Project Overview
As I was investigating the world of quantum computing, I was able to learn how to write and execute several quantum circuits using Qiskit. One of the circuits I created was a simple quantum teleportation circuit, which involves using entanglement to transfer the state of one qubit to another. The circuit involved preparing two qubits in a maximally entangled state, performing some operations on the first qubit to be teleported, and then measuring both qubits to transfer the state of the first qubit to the second. I was able to run this circuit on IBM's quantum computers through the IBM Quantum Experience, which allowed me to see firsthand the effects of noise and errors in real-world quantum computing.

Another circuit I created was a small-scale implementation of Shor's algorithm for factoring large numbers. This algorithm is one of the most famous quantum algorithms, as it is able to factor large numbers exponentially faster than classical algorithms, which has important implications for cryptography. The circuit involved performing several steps, including creating a superposition of possible values, performing a quantum Fourier transform, and using measurements to extract the factors of the large number. Although the circuit was too complex to run on current quantum computers, I was able to use Qiskit's simulation capabilities to test and optimize the circuit, which allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the algorithm and its potential applications.